Friday, March 2, 2007

Improve Singapore Toto Lottery Hit Rate
Lotto Logic Professional is a Toto lucky number picking analyzer, which handles over 90% of today's lotteries worldwide include Singapore Pool Toto. It allows selections of lucky numbers (from those hit most often to those that seldom win) as well as quick picks and personal choices. Range Finder is one of the many powerful features you will find in Lotto Logic. It's also what sets Lotto Logic apart from all other lottery and Toto programs. Instead of just entering past draws and relying on static sets of past draws for results, Lotto Logic will run through the entire database of past draws and find the best range or ranges of past draws for you to select lucky numbers from. Enter results to build the database and update the frequency tables. Online, context-sensitive help is available, as are graphing, printing, and data saving. Lotto Logic Professional also has many built in features and lottery and Toto frequency analyzers. Download a copy today and give it a go! Good luck!



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